Continuous Rendering Installation for Duck By-Products in South Korea

Continuous Rendering Installation for Duck By-Products in South Korea

Continuous Rendering, Poultry Meat, Ring Dryer

In 2021, Mavitec successfully installed and commissioned a rendering installation specifically designed for processing duck by-products.

This advanced system features the Supercookor Model 160U, capable of processing 8-10 tons per hour of both soft by-products and bones. To handle blood component processing, our unique Ring Dryer was installed, ensuring optimal protein quality through minimal heat exposure. This setup allows our client to achieve industry-leading high protein concentration in the final product.

Efficient and Sustainable Animal By-Product Processing

Mavitec’s rendering solutions are engineered for maximum efficiency and sustainability in animal by-product processing. Our advanced technology helps clients improve processing speed, protein retention, and product quality, contributing to a more sustainable and cost-effective operation.


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