Waste management and circularity SouthEast Asia

Waste management and circularity SouthEast Asia

In 2020 the Danish Randers Municipality invested in a plant that is able to process waste from citizens into a uniform pulp, which can be delivered to the biogas plant at the municipality’s treatment plant.

The meat sector is growing and Mavitec’s technology offers a commercial business model to convert these by-products into valuable proteins/meal for applications such as animal feed or pet food industry. ’What’s left after the meat and slaughtering process are by-products (such as feathers/blood/soft material) that is not suitable for human consumption. Mavitec’s rendering technology converts these by-products into valuable proteins/meal for applications such as animal feed or pet food industry.

According to Helmus Damen, Ares Sales Manager Mavitec the meat sector in Southeast Asia is moving up fast, growth numbers are amazing. ‘What’s left after the meat and slaughtering process are by-products (such as feathers/blood/soft material) that is not suitable for human consumption. Our technology converts these by-products into valuable proteins/meal for applications such as animal feed or pet food industry. The meat sector in Asia is moving up very fast and our technology offers a commercial business model.’ In this field Mr. Helmus Damen offered practical experiences and show-cased Mavitec’s Dutch technology and expertise.

With special thanks to Larive International and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vietnam.

During the virtual mission to Southeast Asia in December 2020, the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands in Vietnam hosted a webinar to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the Mekong Delta. Mavitec took part in a panel highlighting the circular economy and waste management.


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