Article: Mavitec solves waste problems worldwide
Interesting interview with Mavitec’s Maco van Heumen (managing director) about the developments of our innovative gasification system and high value EcoChar. Special thanks to NHN and Investa, expertise centre for biomass and gasification technology. Read the English version here: Maco van Heumen about Gasification and EcoChar Begin juni verscheen een interview met Maco van Heumen (managing director) […]
Watch the new solution for handling manure challenges!
Animal manure is a modern pollution problem. Mavitec offers a new way of solving this problem by gasification: an economic, ecological and ergonomic way of handling manure, litter and organic waste challenges while targeting a total supply cycle system and multiple revenue streams. This could be one of the answers to future energy needs that […]
Food waste is a growing global issue, recycling is the answer!
See our Mavitec Green Energy advert in Bioenergy Insight issue Nov-Dec. Please contact us if you need help with recycling your food waste!
We delivered again a Containerized Batch Unit!
This complete rendering plant consists of a 3500L Batch Cooker and offers a plug & play rendering solution. The Containerized Batch Unit makes it possible to treat your animal by-products in an efficient, sanitary and high standard way, providing a high quality protein and value added product flow to your production facility. Possible for both red […]
Mavitec is present at VIV Turkey 2017; the trade fair for poultry technologies
We invite you to visit our Booth #C21 in hall 10 at VIV Turkey – 6-8 July; Istanbul, Turkey. VIV Turkey 2017 is the 8th International Trade Fair for Poultry Technologies. At the exhibition we will introduce our Gasification system for Poultry Litter and Manure and our rendering equipment. We will be pleased to welcome you personally to inform you about our Rendering, […]
Article: Biochar in Poultry Farming; profitable in many ways
Interesting article of David Yarrow at about the different possibilities of using Biochar in poultry farming and converting raw waste – like manure, litter and organic waste – to stable carbon-rich biochar. The Gassifier of Mavitec Green Energy is an economical, ecological, and ergonomic way of handling manure surplus with high quality Biochar, called EcoChar, as a result. […]
Article: Feather meal and its large nutritional impact
Poultry World published an interesting article about modern broiler processing plants which process huge amounts of birds, with a large tonnage of feathers, offal, trims, blood, etcetera. The processing of this waste as a feedstuff will play a part in solving the world’s protein needs by producing more animal protein and recreating a price structure. […]
Mavitec has delivered rendering equipment for a high-tech Rendering plant in Russia!
The new rendering plant is based in the Penza region, Russia and was built by Ruscontractor, part of the “Damate” group. The plant is equipped for processing turkey by-products (pen, fat, skin, bone) and will process 20.000 birds per day (average live weight 15 kg) with a yield of fat and protein like poultry meat […]
Article: Manure management practices Land application versus Gasification
Elsevier and Biomass & Bioenergy published an article about the life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of feedlot manure management practices: Land application versus Gassification. The research shows that due to the environmental effects of syngas and biochar, gasification of feedlot manure is much more promising to reduce harmful emissions than is land application! […]
Article: Food waste is a growing global issue, but fortunately solutions exist!
One third of all good quality food produced in the world ends up as waste. Reducing food waste worldwide can make a significant contribution to tackling climate change. This inspired us to develop a new and innovative system for organic waste management: the Paddle Depacker, which enables operators to treat urban waste from “brown containers”. See our article published in […]