Fully Automatic Poultry By-Product Line in Tanzania

Fully Automatic Poultry By-Product Line in Tanzania

We’re excited to share a glimpse into the advanced processes that power our Fully Automatic Poultry By-Product Line, showcasing our commitment to sustainability and quality in every step:


Advanced Processing Stages:

  • Hydrolyzing: Breaking down proteins for better digestibility and nutrient availability.
  • Cooking: Precisely controlled thermal processing to ensure safety and quality.
  • Drying: Efficient moisture removal for stability and preservation.
  • Defatting of Meal: Separating fats to produce two distinct high-value products.

End Products of Unmatched Quality:

  • High-Quality Meal: A nutrient-rich protein source for animal feeds, processed with utmost care to preserve its nutritional value.
  • Premium Fat: Extracted through advanced defatting, resulting in pure, high-grade fat ideal for various industrial applications.



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