


Fully Automated Feather Rendering Line in the Philippines

Mavitec is proud to announce the installation of a Feather Rendering Plant for 3J Foods Processing Corporation in San Pablo City, Philippines. This new rendering facility, equipped with two 5000-liter Batch Cookers, uses Shell and Tube condensers for cooling the vapour. This innovation allows 3J Foods to efficiently collect hot water while simultaneously condensing vapors. This project exemplifies Mavitec’s commitment to innovation and customer...

Fully Automatic Poultry By-Product Line in Tanzania

We’re excited to share a glimpse into the advanced processes that power our Fully Automatic Poultry By-Product Line, showcasing our...

La planta de reciclaje más moderna de Europa

Después de dos años de construcción e instalación, la planta moderna más grande de aditivos para piensos en Ucrania se inauguró oficialmente este ...
Continuous Rendering, Poultry Meat, Secador de anillo

Continuous Rendering in South Korea

In 2021, Mavitec successfully installed and commissioned a rendering installation designed to process animal by-products of ducks. This state-of-the-art system...
Batch Rendering, Feather processing, Poultry Meat

Batch Rendering in Kazachstan

In 2019, Mavitec successfully completed the installation of a batch rendering plant in Kazakhstan, which featured two 8,500-liter batch cookers...

Mavitec 20 años

El 1 de julio de 2002, Mavitec BV fue fundada oficialmente por Maco van Heumen, quien se hizo cargo de las actividades de renderizado de...

Innovación en el aprovechamiento avícola

Las soluciones de Mavitec crean alta proteína y alta digestibilidad Con una creciente necesidad global de proteínas y energía, procesando subproductos animales ...

Gestión de residuos y circularidad Asia sudoriental

El sector cárnico está creciendo y la tecnología de Mavitec ofrece un modelo de negocio comercial para convertir estos subproductos en valiosas proteínas / harinas ...
Werkbezoek Amusca Hf-larvae breeding

Unidad de cría de Larvea: tecnología inteligente de insectos

Aproveche al máximo el enorme potencial de los insectos utilizando tecnología inteligente: una idea revolucionaria de Amusca, hecha ...
Continuous Rendering, Feather processing, Poultry Meat

Poultry Rendering in Saudi Arabia

In December 2014, Mavitec was awarded an exciting project in Saudi Arabia to design, supply, and deliver a complete poultry...
Batch Rendering, Red Meat

Red Meat Rendering in Russia

In 2013, Mavitec installed and commissioned a state-of-the-art plant designed for the processing of red meat by-products. The plant features...
Continuous Rendering, poultry

Continuous Poultry Rendering in Ukraine

In 2013 Mavitec opened the doors to a continuous poultry by-product rendering plant in Ukraine. The plant is automized and...
Batch Rendering, poultry

Poultry Batch Rendering in Belgium

Located in Ravels, Belgium, NV Klaasen & Co is an independent company that is specialized in slaughtering spent layers. What...
Continuous Rendering, Red Meat Rendering

Continuous Red Meat Rendering in The Netherlands

In 2009, Mavitec launched an engineering and production project to upgrade an existing continuous rendering plant for red meat. Our...